日本語表記(原文) | 英語表記(訳文) |
愛知県立大学 | Aichi Prefectural University |
外国語学部 | School of Foreign Studies |
英米学科 | Department of British and American Studies |
ヨーロッパ学科フランス語圏専攻 | Department of European Studies Division of French Studies |
ヨーロッパ学科スペイン語圏専攻 | Department of European Studies Division of Spanish and Latin American Studies |
ヨーロッパ学科ドイツ語圏専攻 | Department of European Studies Division of German Studies |
中国学科 | Department of Chinese Studies |
国際関係学科 | Department of International and Cultural Studies |
日本文化学部 | School of Japanese Studies |
国語国文学科 | Department of Japanese Language and Literature |
歴史文化学科 | Department of Japanese History and Culture |
教育福祉学部 | School of Education and Welfare |
教育発達学科 | Department of Educational and Developmental Science |
社会福祉学科 | Department of Welfare Science |
看護学部 | School of Nursing & Health |
看護学科 | Department of Nursing & Health |
情報科学部 | School of Information Science and Technology |
情報科学科 | Department of Information Science and Technology |
大学院 | |
国際文化研究科 | Graduate School of International Cultural Studies |
人間発達学研究科 | Graduate School of Human Development |
看護学研究科 | Graduate School of Nursing & Health |
情報科学研究科 | Graduate School of Information Science and Technology |