
日本語表記(原文) | 英語表記(訳文) |
愛媛大学 | Ehime University |
法文学部 | Faculty of Law and Letters |
人文社会学科 | Department of Humanities and Social Sciences |
教育学部 | Faculty of Education |
学校教育教員養成課程 | School Teacher Training Course |
特別支援教育教員養成課程 | Special Education Teacher Training Course |
社会共創学部 | Faculty of Collaborative Regional Innovation |
産業マネジメント学科 | Department of Industrial Management |
産業イノベーション学科 | Department of Industrial Innovation |
環境デザイン学科 | Department of Environmental Design |
地域資源マネジメント学科 | Department of Regional Resource Management |
理学部 | Faculty of Science |
数学科 | Department of Mathematics |
物理学科 | Department of Physics |
化学科 | Department of Chemistry |
生物学科 | Department of Biology |
地球科学科 | Department of Earth Science |
医学部 | School of Medicine |
医学科 | Faculty of Medicine |
看護学科 | Faculty of Nursing |
工学部 | Faculty of Engineering |
農学部 | Faculty of Agriculture |
食料生産学科 | Department of Food Production Science |
生命機能学科 | Department of Bioscience |
生物環境学科 | Department of Science and Technology for Biological Resources and Environment |
大学院 | |
法文学研究科 | Graduate School of Law and Letters |
総合法政策専攻 | Comprehensive Legal Policy Major |
人文科学専攻 | Humanities Major |
教育学研究科 | Graduate School of Education |
教育実践高度化専攻 | Advanced Professional Development in School Education (Professional School for Teacher Education) |
教科教育専攻 | Curriculum Development |
特別支援教育専攻 | Special Support Education |
学校臨床心理専攻 | Clinical Studies of Education and Psychology |
医学系研究科 | Graduate School of Medicine |
医学専攻 | Program for Medical Sciences |
看護専攻 | Program for Nursing and Health Sciences |
理工学研究科 | Graduate School of Science and Engineering |
生産環境工学専攻 | Engineering for Production and Environment |
物質生命工学専攻 | Materials Science and Biotechnology |
電子情報工学専攻 | Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Computer Science |
数理物質科学専攻 | Mathematics, Physics, and Earth Sciences |
環境機能科学専攻 | Chemistry and Biology |
アジア防災学特別コース | Special Graduate Course on Disaster Mitigation Study for Asian Students |
先端科学特別コース | Special Graduate Course on Advanced Sciences |
農学研究科 | Graduate School of Agriculture |
食料生産学専攻 | Department of Food Production Science |
生命機能学専攻 | Department of Bioscience |
生物環境学専攻 | Department of Science and Technology for Biological Resources and Environment |
連合農学研究科 | The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences |
生物資源生産学専攻 | Bioresouce Production Science Major |
生物資源利用学専攻 | Applied Bioresource Science Major |
生物環境保全学専攻 | Life Environment Conservation Science Major |