日本語表記(原文) | 英語表記(訳文) |
弘前大学 | Hirosaki University |
人文社会科学部 | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
文化創生課程 | Cultural Innovation |
社会経営課程 | Social Management |
教育学部 | Faculty of Education |
学校教育教員養成課程 | Teacher Training Division |
養護教諭養成課程 | School Nurse Training Division |
医学部医学科 | School of Medicine |
医学部保健学科 | School of Health Sciences |
理工学部 | Faculty of Science and Technology |
数物科学科 | Department of Mathematics and Physics |
物質創成化学科 | Department of Frontier Materials Chemistry |
地球環境防災学科 | Department of Global Environment and Disaster Prevention Sciences |
電子情報工学科 | Department of Electronics and Information Technology |
機械科学科 | Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering |
自然エネルギー学科 | Department of Sustainable Energy |
農学生命科学部 | Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science |
生物学科 | Department of Biology |
分子生命科学科 | Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
食料資源学科 | Department of Applied Biology and Food Sciences |
国際園芸農学科 | Department of International Agriculture and Horticulture |
地域環境工学科 | Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering |
大学院 | |
人文社会科学研究科 | Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences |
教育学研究科 | Graduate School of Education |
医学研究科 | Graduate School of Medicine |
保健学研究科 | Graduate School of Health Sciences |
理工学研究科 | Graduate School of Science and Technology |
農学生命科学研究科 | Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Science |
地域共創科学研究科 | Graduate School of Sustainable Community Studies |
地域社会研究科 | Graduate School of Regional Studies |
岩手大学大学院連合農学研究科 | The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Iwate University |