日本語表記(原文) | 英語表記(訳文) |
国際医療福祉大学 | International University of Health and Welfare |
保健医療学部 | School of Health Sciences |
看護学科 | Department of Nursing |
理学療法学科 | Department of Physical Therapy |
作業療法学科 | Department of Occupational Therapy |
言語聴覚学科 | Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences |
視機能療法学科 | Department of Orthoptics and Visual Sciences |
放射線・情報科学科 | Department of Radiological Sciences |
医学部 | School of Medicine |
医学科 | Faculty of Medicine |
成田看護学部 | School of Nursing at Narita |
看護学科 | Department of Nursing |
赤坂心理・医療福祉マネジメント学部 | School of Psychology and Healthcare Management at Akasaka |
心理学科 | Department of Psychology |
医療マネジメント学科 | Department of Healthcare Management |
小田原保健医療学部 | School of Health Sciences at Odawara |
看護学科 | Department of Nursing |
理学療法学科 | Department of Physical Therapy |
作業療法学科 | Department of Occupational Therapy |
福岡看護学部 | School of Nursing at Fukuoka |
看護学科 | Department of Nursing |
福岡保健医療学部 | School of Health Sciences at Fukuoka |
理学療法学科 | Department of Physical Therapy |
作業療法学科 | Department of Occupational Therapy |
言語聴覚学科 | Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences |
医学検査学科 | Department of Medical Technology and Sciences |
医療福祉学部 | School of Health and Welfare |
医療福祉・マネジメント学科 | Department of Social Services and Healthcare Management |
薬学部 | School of Pharmacy |
薬学科 | Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
成田保健医療学部 | School of Health Sciences at Narita |
理学療法学科 | Department of Physical Therapy |
作業療法学科 | Department of Occupational Therapy |
言語聴覚学科 | Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences |
医学検査学科 | Department of Medical Technology and Sciences |
大学院 | Graduate School ※Master’s ProgramまたはDoctoral Program |
医療福祉学研究科 | Health and Welfare Sciences |
薬学研究科 | Pharmacy |
薬科学研究科 | Pharmaceutical Sciences |
医学研究科 | Medicine |