
日本語表記(原文) | 英語表記(訳文) |
岩手大学 | Iwate University |
人文社会科学部 | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
人間文化課程 | Department of Human Sciences and Cultural Studies |
地域政策課程 | Department of Regional Policy |
教育学部 | Faculty of Education |
学校教育教員養成課程 | Department of Teacher Education |
理工学部 | Faculty of Science and Engineering |
化学・生命理工学科 | Department of Chemistry and Biological Sciences |
物理・材料理工学科 | Department of Physical Science and Materials Engineering |
システム創成工学科 | Department of Systems Innovation Engineering |
農学部 | Faculty of Agriculture |
植物生命科学科 | Department of Plant-Biosciences |
応用生物化学科 | Department of Biological Chemistry and Food Sciences |
森林科学科 | Department of Forest Science |
食料生産環境学科 | Department of Food Production and Environmental Management |
動物科学科 | Department of Animal Science |
共同獣医学科 | Cooperative Department of Veterinary Medicine |
大学院 | |
総合科学研究科 | Graduate School of Arts and Sciences |
地域創生専攻 | Division of Regional Development and Creativity |
総合文化学専攻 | Division of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies |
理工学専攻 | Division of Science and Engineering |
農学専攻 | Division of Agriculture |
教育学研究科(教職大学院) | Graduate School of Education |
教職実践専攻 | Division of Professional Practice in Education |
工学研究科 | Graduate School of Engineering |
フロンティア物質機能工学専攻 | Department of Frontier Matter and Function Engineering |
電気電子・情報システム工学専攻 | Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
機械・社会環境システム工学専攻 | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering |
デザイン・メディア工学専攻 | Department of Design and Media Technology |
獣医学研究科 | Graduate School of Veterinary Sciences |
共同獣医学専攻 | Cooperative Department of Veterinary Medicine |
連合農学研究科 | United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences |
生物生産科学専攻 | Bioproduction Sciences Major |
生物資源科学専攻 | Bioresources Science Major |
地域環境創生学専攻 | Regional Environment Creation Major |