日本語表記(原文) | 英語表記(訳文) |
神奈川大学 | Kanagawa University |
法学部 | Faculty of Law |
法律学科 | Department of Law |
自治行政学科 | Department of Local Government |
経済学部 | Faculty of Economics |
経済学科 | Department of Economics |
現代ビジネス学科 | Department of Contemporary Business |
経営学部 | Faculty of Business Administration |
国際経営学科 | Department of International Business and Management |
外国語学部 | Faculty of Foreign Languages |
英語英文学科 | Department of English |
スペイン語学科 | Department of Spanish |
中国語学科 | Department of Chinese |
国際文化交流学科 | Department of Cross-Cultural Studies |
人間科学部 | Faculty of Human Sciences |
人間科学科 | Department of Human Sciences |
理学部 | Faculty of Science |
総合理学プログラム | Integrated Science Program |
数理・物理学科 | Department of Mathematics and Physics |
情報科学科 | Department of Information Sciences |
化学科 | Department of Chemistry |
生物科学科 | Department of Biological Sciences |
工学部 | Faculty of Engineering |
総合工学プログラム | Coordinated Engineering Program |
機械工学科 | Department of Mechanical Engineering |
電気電子情報工学科 | Department of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering |
物質生命化学科 | Department of Material and Life Chemistry |
情報システム創成学科 | Department of Information Systems Creation |
経営工学科 | Department of Industrial Engineering and Management |
建築学科 | Department of Architecture |
大学院 | |
法学研究科 | Graduate School of Law |
法律学専攻 | Course of Law |
経済学研究科 | Graduate School of Economics |
経済学専攻 | Course of Economics |
経営学研究科 | Graduate School of Business Administration |
国際経営専攻 | Course of International Business Administration |
外国語学研究科 | Graduate School of Foreign Languages |
欧米言語文化専攻 | Course in European and American Languages and Cultures |
中国言語文化専攻 | Course of Chinese Language and Culture |
人間科学研究科 | Graduate School of Human Sciences |
人間科学専攻 | Course of Human Sciences |
理学研究科 | Graduate School of Science |
理学専攻 | Course of Science |
工学研究科 | Graduate School of Engineering |
機械工学専攻 | Course of Mechanical Engineering |
電気電子情報工学専攻 | Course of Electrical, Electronics, and Information Engineering |
応用化学専攻 | Course of Applied Chemistry |
経営工学専攻 | Course of Industrial Engineering and Management |
建築学専攻 | Course of Architecture and Building Engineering |
歴史民俗資料学研究科 | Graduate School of History and Folklore Studies |
歴史民俗資料学専攻 | Course of History and Folklore Studies |
法務研究科(法科大学院) | School of Law |
法務専攻 | Course of the Legal Profession |