日本語表記(原文) | 英語表記(訳文) |
金沢大学 | Kanazawa University |
人間社会学域 | College of Human and Social Sciences |
人文学類 | School of Humanities |
法学類 | School of Law |
経済学類 | School of Economics |
学校教育学類 | School of Teacher Education |
地域創造学類 | School of Regional Development Studies |
国際学類 | School of International Studies |
理工学域 | College of Science and Engineering |
数物科学類 | School of Mathematics and Physics |
物質化学類 | School of Chemistry |
機械工学類 | School of Mechanical Engineering |
フロンティア工学類 | School of Frontier Engineering |
電子情報通信学類 | School of Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering |
地球社会基盤学類 | School of Geosciences and Civil Engineering |
生命理工学類 | School of Biological Science and Technology |
医薬保健学域 | College of Medical Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences |
医学類 | School of Medicine |
薬学類・創薬科学類 | School of Pharmacy |
保健学類 | School of Health Sciences |
大学院 | |
人間社会環境研究科 | Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies |
自然科学研究科 | Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology |
医薬保健学総合研究科 | Graduate School of Medical Sciences |
先進予防医学研究科 | Graduate School of Advanced Preventive Medical Sciences |
新学術創成研究科 | Graduate School of Frontier Science Initiative |
法務研究科(法科大学院) | Law School |
教職実践研究科(教職大学院) | Graduate School of Professional Development in Teacher Education |
国際基幹教育院 | Institute of Liberal Arts and Science |