日本語表記(原文) | 英語表記(訳文) |
関西大学 | Kansai University |
法学部 | Faculty of Law |
法学政治学科 | Department of Law and Politics |
文学部 | Faculty of Letters |
総合人文学科 | General Department of Humanities |
英米文学英語学専修 | Department of English Linguistics and Literature |
英米文化専修 | Department of American and British Cultural Studies |
国語国文学専修 | Department of Japanese Language and Literature |
哲学倫理学専修 | Department of Philosophy and Ethics |
比較宗教学専修 | Department of the History of Religions |
芸術学美術史専修 | Department of Art History and Aesthetics |
フランス学専修 | Department of French Studies |
ドイツ学専修 | Department of German Studies |
日本史・文化遺産学専修 | Department of Japanese History |
世界史専修 | Department of World History |
地理学・地域環境学専修 | Department of Geography and Regional Environment |
中国学専修 | Department of Chinese Studies |
教育文化専修 | Department of Education and Culture |
初等教育学専修 | Department of Elementary Education |
心理学専修 | Department of Psychology |
情報文化学専修 | Department of Information Studies |
映像文化専修 | Department of Film and Media Studies |
文化共生学専修 | Department of Cultural Symbiotics |
アジア文化専修 | Department of Asian Culture Studies |
経済学部 | Faculty of Economics |
経済学科 | Department of Economics |
商学部 | Faculty of Business and Commerce |
商学科 | Department of Business and Commerce |
社会学部 | Faculty of Sociology |
社会学科 | Department of Sociology |
政策創造学部 | Faculty of Policy Studies |
政策学科 | Department of Policy Studies |
国際アジア法政策学科 | Department of Global and Asian Legal Policy Studies |
外国語学部 | Faculty of Foreign Language Studies |
外国語学科 | Department of Foreign Language Studies |
人間健康学部 | Faculty of Health and Well-being |
人間健康学科 | Department of Health and Well-being |
総合情報学部 | Faculty of Informatics |
総合情報学科 | Department of Informatics |
社会安全学部 | Faculty of Societal Safety Sciences |
安全マネジメント学科 | Department of Safety Management |
システム理工学部 | Faculty of Engineering Science |
数学科 | Department of Mathematics |
物理・応用物理学科 | Department of Pure and Applied Physics |
機械工学科 | Department of Mechanical Engineering |
電気電子情報工学科 | Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
環境都市工学部 | Faculty of Environmental and Urban Engineering |
建築学科 | Department of Architecture |
都市システム工学科 | Department of Civil, Environmental and Applied Systems Engineering |
エネルギー・環境工学科 | Department of Chemical, Energy and Environmental Engineering |
化学生命工学部 | Faculty of Chemistry, Materials and Bioengineering |
化学・物質工学科 | Department of Chemistry and Materials Engineering |
生命・生物工学科 | Department of Life Science and Biotechnology |
大学院 | |
法学研究科 | Graduate School of Law |
法学・政治学専攻 | Law and Politics Major |
文学研究科 | Graduate School of Letters |
総合人文学専攻 | General Humanities Major |
経済学研究科 | Graduate School of Economics |
経済学専攻 | Economics Major |
商学研究科 | Graduate School of Business and Commerce |
商学専攻 | Business and Commerce Major |
社会学研究科 | Graduate School of Sociology |
社会学専攻 | Sociology Major |
社会システムデザイン専攻 | Social System Design Major |
マス・コミュニケーション学専攻 | Mass Communication Major |
総合情報学研究科 | Graduate School of Informatics |
社会情報学専攻 | Social Informatics Major |
知識情報学専攻 | Intelligent Informatics Major |
総合情報学専攻 | Informatics Major |
理工学研究科 | Graduate School of Science and Engineering |
システム理工学専攻 | Engineering Science Major |
環境都市工学専攻 | Environmental and Urban Engineering Major |
化学生命工学専攻 | Chemistry, Materials and Bioengineering Major |
総合理工学専攻 | Integrated Science and Engineering Major |
外国語教育学研究科 | Graduate School of Foreign Language Education and Research |
外国語教育学専攻 | Foreign Language Education and Research Major |
心理学研究科 | Graduate School of Psychology |
心理学専攻 | Psychology Major |
社会安全研究科 | Graduate School of Societal Safety Sciences |
防災・減災専攻 | Disaster Prevention and Reduction Major |
東アジア文化研究科 | Graduate School of East Asian Cultures |
文化交渉学専攻 | Cultural Interaction Studies Major |
ガバナンス研究科 | Graduate School of Governance |
ガバナンス専攻 | Governance Major |
人間健康研究科 | Graduate School of Health and Well-being |
人間健康専攻 | Health and Well-being Major |
法科大学院 | School of Law |
会計専門職大学院 | School of Accountancy |
臨床心理専門職大学院 | Graduate School of Professional Clinical Psychology |