
日本語表記(原文) | 英語表記(訳文) |
近畿大学 | Kindai University |
法学部 | Faculty of Law |
法律学科 | Department of Law |
経済学部 | Faculty of Economics |
経済学科 | Department of Economics |
国際経済学科 | Department of International Economics |
総合経済政策学科 | Department of Public Management |
経営学部 | Faculty of Business Administration |
経営学科 | Department of Business Administration |
商学科 | Department of Business and Marketing Strategy |
会計学科 | Department of Accounting |
キャリア・マネジメント学科 | Department of Career Management |
理工学部 | Faculty of Science and Engineering |
理学科 | Department of Science |
生命科学科 | Department of Life Science |
応用化学科 | Department of Applied Chemistry |
機械工学科 | Department of Mechanical Engineering |
電気電子工学科 | Department of Electric and Electronic Engineering |
情報学科 | Department of Informatics |
社会環境工学科 | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering |
建築学部 | Faculty of Architecture |
建築学科 | Department of Architecture |
薬学部 | Faculty of Pharmacy |
医療薬学科 | Department of Pharmacy |
創薬科学科 | Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
文芸学部 | Faculty of Literature, Arts and Cultural Studies |
文学科 | Department of Literature |
芸術学科 | Department of Arts |
文化・歴史学科 | Department of Cultural and Historical Studies |
文化デザイン学科 | Department of Cultural Design |
総合社会学部 | Faculty of Applied Sociology |
総合社会学科 | Department of Applied Sociology |
国際学部 | Faculty of International Studies |
国際学科 | Department of Inernational Studies |
農学部 | Faculty of Agriculture |
農業生産科学科 | Department of Agricultural Science |
水産学科 | Department of Fisheries |
応用生命化学科 | Department of Applied Biological Chemistry |
食品栄養学科 | Department of Food Science and Nutrition |
環境管理学科 | Department of Environmental Management |
生物機能科学科 | Department of Advanced Bioscience |
医学部 | Faculty of Medicine |
医学科 | Department of Medicine |
生物理工学部 | Faculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology |
生物工学科 | Department of Biotechnological Science |
遺伝子工学科 | Department of Genetic Engineering |
食品安全工学科 | Department of Science and Technology on Food Safety |
生命情報工学科 | Department of Computational Systems Biology |
人間環境デザイン工学科 | Department of Human Factors Engineering and Environmental Design |
医用工学科 | Department of Biomedical Engineering |
工学部 | Faculty of Engineering |
化学生命工学科 | Department of Biotechnology and Chemistry |
機械工学科 | Department of Mechanical Engineering |
ロボティクス学科 | Department of Robotics |
電子情報工学科 | Department of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science |
情報学科 | Department of Informatics |
建築学科 | Department of Architecture |
産業理工学部 | Faculty of Humanity-Oriented Science and Engineering |
生物環境化学科 | Department of Biological and Environmental Chemistry |
電気電子工学科 | Department of Electric and Electronic Engineering |
建築・デザイン学科 | Department of Architecture and Design |
情報学科 | Department of Information and Computer Science |
経営ビジネス学科 | Department of Management and Business |
短期大学部 | Junior College Division |
商経科 | Department of Business and Economics |
通信教育 | Correspondence Division |
大学院 | ※専攻はMajor |
法学研究科 | Graduate School of Law |
法律学専攻 | Law |
商学研究科 | Graduate School of Commerce |
商学専攻 | Commerce |
経済学研究科 | Graduate School of Economics |
経済学専攻 | Economics |
総合理工学研究科 | Graduate School of Science and Engineering Research |
理学専攻 | Science |
物質系工学専攻 | Molecular and Material Engineering |
メカニックス系工学専攻 | Mechanical Engineering |
エレクトロニクス系工学専攻 | Electronic Engineering |
環境系工学専攻 | Environmental Engineering |
東大阪モノづくり専攻 | Innovative Engineering |
建築デザイン専攻 | Architectural Design |
薬学研究科 | Graduate School of Pharmacy |
薬学専攻 | Pharmaceutical Sciences |
薬科学専攻 | Pharmacy |
総合文化研究科 | Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Human Studies |
日本文学専攻 | Japanese Literature |
英語英米文学専攻 | English Linguistics and Literature |
文化・社会学専攻 | Social and Cultural Studies |
心理学専攻 | Psychology Studies |
農学研究科 | Graduate School of Agriculture |
農業生産科学専攻 | Agricultural Science |
水産学専攻 | Fisheries Science |
応用生命化学専攻 | Applied Biological Chemistry |
環境管理学専攻 | Environmental Management |
バイオサイエンス専攻 | Advanced Bioscience |
医学研究科 | Graduate School of Medical Sciences |
医学系専攻 | Medical Sciences |
生物理工学研究科 | Graduate School of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology |
生物工学専攻 | Biotechnological Science |
生体システム工学専攻 | Biological System Engineering |
システム工学研究科 | Graduate School of Systems Engineering |
システム工学専攻 | Systems Engineering |
産業理工学研究科 | Graduate School of Humanity-Oriented Science and Engineering |
産業理工学専攻 | Humanity-Oriented Science and Engineering |
法科大学院 | Law School |