日本語表記(原文) | 英語表記(訳文) |
京都女子大学 | Kyoto Women’s University |
文学部 | Faculty of Letters |
国文学科 | Department of Japanese Language and Literature |
英文学科 | Department of English Studies |
史学科 | Department of History |
発達教育学部 | Faculty of Human Development and Education |
教育学科 | Department of Education |
児童学科 | Department of Child Studies |
家政学部 | Faculty of Home Economics |
食物栄養学科 | Department of Food and Nutrition |
生活造形学科 | Department of Apparel and Space Design |
生活福祉学科 | Department of Living and Welfare |
現代社会学部 | Faculty of Contemporary Society |
現代社会学科 | Department of Contemporary Society |
法学部 | Faculty of Law |
法学科 | Department of Law |
大学院 | |
文学研究科 | Graduate School of Letters |
国文学専攻 | Japanese Language and Literature (Master’s Course / Doctoral Course) |
英文学専攻 | English Language and Literature (Master’s Course / Doctoral Course) |
史学専攻 | History (Master’s Course / Doctoral Course) |
発達教育学研究科 | Graduate School of Human Development and Education |
教育学専攻 | Education (Master’s Course / Doctoral Course) |
心理学専攻 | Psychology (Master’s Course) |
表現文化専攻 | Culture in Expression (Master’s Course) |
児童学専攻 | Child Studies (Master’s Course) |
家政学研究科 | Graduate School of Home Economics |
食物栄養学専攻 | Food and Nutrition (Master’s Course) |
生活造形学専攻 | Apparel and Space Design (Master’s Course) |
生活福祉学専攻 | Living and Welfare Management (Master’s Course) |
生活環境学専攻 | Living Environment (Doctoral Course) |
現代社会研究科 | Graduate School of Contemporary Society |
公共圏創成専攻 | Public Spheres Studies (Master’s Course / Doctoral Course) |
法学研究科 | Graduate School of Law |
法学専攻 | Law (Master’s Course) |