日本語表記(原文) | 英語表記(訳文) |
九州大学 | Kyushu University |
共創学部 | School of Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation |
文学部 | School of Letters |
教育学部 | School of Education |
法学部 | School of Law |
経済学部 | School of Economics |
経済・経営学科 | Department of Economy and Business |
経済工学科 | Department of Economic Engineering |
理学部 | School of Science |
物理学科 | Department of Physics |
化学科 | Department of Chemistry |
地球惑星科学科 | Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences |
数学科 | Department of Mathematics |
生物学科 | Department of Biology |
医学部 | School of Medicine |
医学科 | Department of Medicine |
保健学科 | Department of Health Sciences |
生命科学科 | Department of Biomedical Science |
歯学部 | School of Dentistry |
歯学科 | Department of Dentistry |
薬学部 | School of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
創薬科学科 | Department of Medical Sciences |
臨床薬学科 | Department of Clinical Pharmacy |
工学部 | School of Engineering |
建築学科 | Department of Architecture |
電気情報工学科 | Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
物質科学工学科 | Department of Materials Science and Engineering |
地球環境工学科 | Department of Earth Resources, Marine and Civil Engineering |
エネルギー科学科 | Department of Energy Science and Engineering |
機械航空工学科 | Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering |
芸術工学部 | School of Design |
環境設計学科 | Department of Environmental Design |
工業設計学科 | Department of Industrial Design |
画像設計学科 | Department of Visual Communication Design |
音響設計学科 | Department of Acoustic Design |
芸術情報設計学科 | Department of Art and Information Design |
農学部 | School of Agriculture |
生物資源環境学科 | Department of Bioresource and Bioenvironment |
21世紀プログラム | The 21st Century Program |
大学院 | |
人文科学府 | Graduate School of Humanities |
地球社会統合科学府 | Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society |
人間環境学府 | Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies |
法学府 | Graduate School of Law |
経済学府 | Graduate School of Economics |
理学府 | Graduate School of Science |
数理学府 | Graduate School of Mathematics |
システム生命科学府 | Graduate School of Systems Life Sciences |
医学系学府 | Graduate School of Medical Sciences |
歯学府 | Graduate School of Dental Science |
薬学府 | Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
工学府 | Graduate School of Engineering |
芸術工学府 | Graduate School of Design |
システム情報科学府 | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering |
総合理工学府 | Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences |
生物資源環境科学府 | Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences |
統合新領域学府 | Graduate School of Integrated Frontier Sciences |
専門職大学院(人間環境学府実践臨床心理学専攻) | Department of Clinical Psychology Practice, Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies |
法科大学院(ロースクール)(法務学府) | Law School (Professional Graduate School) |
専門職大学院ビジネススクール | Kyushu University Business School-QBS |
専門職大学院(大学院医学系学府医療経営・管理学専攻) | Department of Health Care Administration and Management, Graduate School of Medical Sciences |