
日本語表記(原文) | 英語表記(訳文) |
日本大学 | Nihon University |
法学部 | College of Law |
法律学科 | Department of Law |
政治経済学科 | Department of Political Science and Economics |
新聞学科 | Department of Journalism |
経営法学科 | Department of Business Law |
公共政策学科 | Department of Public Policy and Affairs |
文理学部 | College of Humanities and Sciences |
哲学科 | Department of Philosophy |
史学科 | Department of History |
国文学科 | Department of Japanese Language and Literature |
中国語中国文化学科 | Department of Chinese Language and Culture |
英文学科 | Department of English Language and Literature |
ドイツ文学科 | Department of German Language and Literature |
社会学科 | Department of Sociology |
社会福祉学科 | Department of Social Welfare |
教育学科 | Department of Education |
体育学科 | Department of Physical Education |
心理学科 | Department of Psychology |
地理学科 | Department of Geography |
地球科学科 | Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences |
数学科 | Department of Mathematics |
情報科学科 | Department of Information Science |
物理学科 | Department of Physics |
生命科学科 | Department of Biosciences |
化学科 | Department of Chemistry |
経済学部 | College of Economics |
経済学科 | Department of Economics |
産業経営学科 | Department of Industrial Management |
金融公共経済学科 | Department of Finance and Public Economics |
商学部 | College of Commerce |
商業学科 | Department of Commerce |
経営学科 | Department of Business Administration |
会計学科 | Department of Accounting |
芸術学部 | College of Art |
写真学科 | Department of Photography |
映画学科 | Department of Cinema |
美術学科 | Department of Fine Arts |
音楽学科 | Department of Music |
文芸学科 | Department of Literary Arts |
演劇学科 | Department of Theatre |
放送学科 | Department of Broadcasting |
デザイン学科 | Department of Design |
国際関係学部 | College of International Relations |
国際総合政策学科 | Department of International Studies |
国際教養学科 | Department of International Liberal Arts |
危機管理学部 | College of Risk Management |
危機管理学科 | Department of Risk Management |
スポーツ科学部 | College of Sports Sciences |
競技スポーツ学科 | Department of Competitive Sports |
理工学部 | College of Science and Technology |
土木工学科 | Department of Civil Engineering |
交通システム工学科 | Department of Transportation Systems Engineering |
建築学科 | Department of Architecture |
海洋建築工学科 | Department of Oceanic Architecture and Engineering |
まちづくり工学科 | Department of Town Planning and Design |
機械工学科 | Department of Mechanical Engineering |
精密機械工学科 | Department of Precision Machinery Engineering |
航空宇宙工学科 | Department of Aerospace Engineering |
電気工学科 | Department of Electrical Engineering |
電子工学科 | Department of Electronic Engineering |
応用情報工学科 | Department of Computer Engineering |
物質応用化学科 | Department of Materials and Applied Chemistry |
物理学科 | Department of Physics |
数学科 | Department of Mathematics |
生産工学部 | College of Industrial Technology |
機械工学科 | Department of Mechanical Engineering |
電気電子工学科 | Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
土木工学科 | Department of Civil Engineering |
建築工学科 | Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering |
応用分子化学科 | Department of Applied Molecular Chemistry |
マネジメント工学科 | Department of Industrial Engineering and Management |
数理情報工学科 | Department of Mathematical Information Engineering |
環境安全工学科 | Department of Sustainable Engineering |
創生デザイン学科 | Department of Conceptual Design |
工学部 | College of Engineering |
土木工学科 | Department of Civil Engineering |
建築学科 | Department of Architecture |
機械工学科 | Department of Mechanical Engineering |
電気電子工学科 | Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
生命応用化学科 | Department of Chemical Biology and Applied Chemistry |
情報工学科 | Department of Computer Science |
医学部 | School of Medicine |
医学科 | Department of Medicine |
歯学部 | School of Dentistry |
歯学科 | Department of Dentistry |
松戸歯学部 | School of Dentistry at Matsudo |
歯学科 | Department of Dentistry |
生物資源科学部 | College of Bioresource Sciences |
生命農学科 | Department of Agricultural Bioscience |
生命化学科 | Department of Chemistry and Life Science |
獣医学科 | Department of Veterinary Medicine |
動物資源科学科 | Department of Animal Science and Resources |
食品ビジネス学科 | Department of Food Business |
森林資源科学科 | Department of Forest Science and Resources |
海洋生物資源科学科 | Department of Marine Science and Resources |
生物環境工学科 | Department of Bioenvironmental and Agricultural Engineering |
食品生命学科 | Department of Food Bioscience and Biotechnology |
国際地域開発学科 | Department of International Development Studies |
応用生物科学科 | Department of Applied Biological Science |
くらしの生物学科 | Department of Bioscience in Daily Life |
薬学部 | School of Pharmacy |
薬学科 | Department of Pharmacy |
通信教育部 | Distance Learning Division |
短期大学部 | Junior College |
ビジネス教養学科 | Department of Business and Management Studies |
食物栄養学科 | Department of Food and Nutrition |
建築・生活デザイン学科 | Department of Architecture and Living Design |
ものづくり・サイエンス総合学科 | Department of Science and Manufacturing Technology |
大学院 | |
法学研究科 | Graduate School of Law |
公法学専攻 | Public Law |
私法学専攻 | Private Law |
政治学専攻 | Political Science |
新聞学研究科 | Graduate School of Journalism and Media |
新聞学専攻 | Journalism and Media |
文学研究科 | Graduate School of Literature and Social Sciences |
哲学専攻 | Philosophy |
史学専攻 | History |
日本史専攻 | Japanese History |
外国史専攻 | Foreign History |
国文学専攻 | Japanese Language and Literature |
中国学専攻 | Chinese Literature |
英文学専攻 | English Language and Literature |
ドイツ文学専攻 | German Literature |
社会学専攻 | Sociology |
教育学専攻 | Education |
心理学専攻 | Psychology |
総合基礎科学研究科 | Graduate School of Integrated Basic Sciences |
地球情報数理科学専攻 | Earth Information Mathematical Sciences |
相関理化学専攻 | Correlative Study of Physics and Chemistry |
経済学研究科 | Graduate School of Economics |
経済学専攻 | Economics |
商学研究科 | Graduate School of Commerce |
商学専攻 | Commerce |
経営学専攻 | Business Administration |
会計学専攻 | Accounting |
芸術学研究科 | Graduate School of Art |
文芸学専攻 | Literary Arts |
映像芸術専攻 | Image Arts |
造形芸術専攻 | Fine Arts and Design |
音楽芸術専攻 | Musical Arts |
舞台芸術専攻 | Performing Arts |
芸術専攻 | The Arts |
国際関係研究科 | Graduate School of International Relations |
国際関係研究専攻 | International Relations |
理工学研究科 | Graduate School of Science and Technology |
土木工学専攻 | Civil Engineering |
社会交通工学専攻 | Transportation Engineering and Socio-Technology |
建築学専攻 | Architecture |
海洋建築工学専攻 | Oceanic Architecture and Engineering |
機械工学専攻 | Mechanical Engineering |
精密機械工学専攻 | Precision Machinery Engineering |
航空宇宙工学専攻 | Aerospace Engineering |
電気工学専攻 | Electrical Engineering |
電子工学専攻 | Electronic Engineering |
物質応用化学専攻 | Materials and Applied Chemistry |
物理学専攻 | Physics |
数学専攻 | Mathematics |
地理学専攻 | Geography |
不動産科学専攻 | Real Estate Science |
医療・福祉工学専攻 | Medical Care-Welfare Engineering |
情報科学専攻 | Computer Science |
量子理工学専攻 | Quantum Science and Technology |
生産工学研究科 | Graduate School of Industrial Technology |
機械工学専攻 | Mechanical Engineering |
電気電子工学専攻 | Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
土木工学専攻 | Civil Engineering |
建築工学専攻 | Architecture and Architectural Engineering |
応用分子化学専攻 | Applied Molecular Chemistry |
マネジメント工学専攻 | Management Engineering |
数理情報工学専攻 | Mathematical Information Engineering |
工学研究科 | Graduate School of Engineering |
土木工学専攻 | Civil Engineering |
建築学専攻 | Architecture |
機械工学専攻 | Mechanical Engineering |
電気電子工学専攻 | Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
生命応用化学専攻 | Chemical Biology and Applied Chemistry |
情報工学専攻 | Computer Engineering |
医学研究科 | Graduate School of Medicine |
生理系 | Physiology |
病理系 | Pathology |
社会医学系 | Social Medicine |
内科系 | Internal Medicine |
外科系 | Surgery |
歯学研究科 | Graduate School of Dentistry |
歯学専攻 | Dentistry |
松戸歯学研究科 | Graduate School of Dentistry at Matsudo |
歯学専攻 | Dentistry |
生物資源科学研究科 | Graduate School of Bioresource Sciences |
生物資源生産科学専攻 | Bioresource Production Sciences |
生物資源利用科学専攻 | Bioresource Utilization Sciences |
応用生命科学専攻 | Applied Life Sciences |
生物環境科学専攻 | Natural Environment Studies |
生物資源経済学専攻 | Bioresource Economics |
獣医学研究科 | Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine |
獣医学専攻 | Veterinary Medicine |
薬学研究科 | Graduate School of Pharmacy |
薬学専攻 | Pharmacy |
総合社会情報研究科(通信制) | Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies (Graduate Program in Distance Learning) |
国際情報専攻 | International Political Science and Economics |
文化情報専攻 | Culture and Communication Studies |
人間科学専攻 | Human Science |
総合社会情報専攻 | Social and Cultural Studies |
法務研究科(法科大学院) | Law School |
法務専攻 | Advanced Legal Studies |
知的財産研究科 | Graduate School of Intellectual Property |
知的財産専攻 | Intellectual Property |