日本語表記(原文) | 英語表記(訳文) |
大阪公立大学 | Osaka Metropolitan University |
現代システム科学域 | College of Sustainable System Sciences |
知識情報システム学類 | School of Knowledge and Information Systems |
環境社会システム学類 | School of Environmental Social Systems |
教育福祉学類 | School of Social Welfare and Education |
心理学類 | School of Psychology |
文学部 | School of Literature and Human Sciences |
哲学歴史学科 | Department of Philosophy and History |
人間行動学科 | Department of Human Behavioral Sciences |
言語文化学科 | Department of Language and Culture |
文化構想学科 | Department of Cultural Management |
法学部 | School of Law |
司法コース | Legal Study Course |
行政コース | Political Science and Public Administration Study Course |
企業・国際コース | International Legal Study Course |
経済学部 | School of Economics |
経済学科 | Department of Economics |
商学部 | School of Business |
商学科 | Department of Business |
公共経営学科 | Department of Public Management |
理学部 | School of Science |
数学科 | Department of Mathematics |
物理学科 | Department of Physics |
化学科 | Department of Chemistry |
生物学科 | Department of Biology |
地球学科 | Department of Geosciences |
生物化学科 | Department of Biological Chemistry |
工学部 | School of Engineering |
航空宇宙工学科 | Department of Aerospace Engineering |
海洋システム工学科 | Department of Marine System Engineering |
機械工学科 | Department of Mechanical Engineering |
建築学科 | Department of Architecture and Building Engineering |
都市学科 | Department of Urban Design and Engineering |
電子物理工学科 | Department of Physics and Electronics |
情報工学科 | Department of Information Science |
電気電子システム工学科 | Department of Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering |
応用化学科 | Department of Applied Chemistry |
化学工学科 | Department of Chemical Engineering |
マテリアル工学科 | Department of Materials Science |
化学バイオ工学科 | Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering |
農学部 | School of Agriculture |
応用生物科学科 | Department of Agricultural Biology |
生命機能化学科 | Department of Applied Biological Chemistry |
緑地環境科学科 | Department of Environmental Sciences and Technology |
獣医学部 | School of Veterinary Science |
医学部 | School of Medicine |
医学科 | Department of Medical Science |
リハビリテーション学科 | Department of Rehabilitation Science |
理学療法学専攻 | Course of Physical Therapy |
作業療法学専攻 | Course of Occupational Therapy |
看護学部 | School of Nursing |
看護学科 | Department of Nursing |
生活科学部 | School of Human Life and Ecology |
食栄養学科 | Department of Nutrition |
居住環境学科 | Department of Living Environment Design |
人間福祉学科 | Department of Human Development and Welfare |
大学院 | |
現代システム科学研究科 | Graduate School of Sustainable System Sciences |
現代システム科学専攻 | Course of Sustainable System Science |
環境共生科学分野 | Department of Environmental Sciences |
言語文化学分野 | Department of Language and Culture |
人間科学分野 | Department of Human Science |
社会福祉学分野 | Department of Social Welfare |
臨床心理学分野 | Department of Clinical Psychology |
認知行動科学分野 | Department of Human Cognition and Behavior |
文学研究科 | Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences |
哲学歴史学専攻 | Department of Philosophy and History |
人間行動学専攻 | Department of Human Behavioral Sciences |
言語文化学専攻 | Department of Language and Culture |
文化構想学専攻 | Department of Cultural Management |
法学研究科 | Graduate School of Law |
法学政治学専攻 | Department of Law and Political Science |
法曹養成専攻 | Law School |
経済学研究科 | Graduate School of Economics |
経済学専攻 | Department of Economics |
経営学研究科 | Graduate School of Business |
都市経営研究科 | Graduate School of Urban Management |
都市政策・地域経済コース | Course of Urban Policy and Regional Economy |
都市行政コース | Course of Urban Governance |
都市ビジネスコース | Course of Urban Business |
医療・福祉イノベーション経営コース | Course of Innovation Management of Healthcare and Social Welfare Organizations |
情報学研究科 | Graduate School of Informatics |
基幹情報学専攻 | Department of Core Informatics |
学際情報学専攻 | Department of Interdisciplinary Informatics |
理学研究科 | Graduate School of Science |
数学専攻 | Department of Mathematics |
物理学専攻 | Department of Physics |
化学専攻 | Department of Chemistry |
生物学専攻 | Department of Biology |
地球学専攻 | Department of Geosciences |
生物化学専攻 | Department of Biological Chemistry |
工学研究科 | Graduate School of Engineering |
農学研究科 | Graduate School of Agriculture |
応用生物科学専攻 | Department of Agricultural Biology |
生命機能化学専攻 | Department of Applied Biological Chemistry |
緑地環境科学専攻 | Department of Environmental Sciences and Technology |
獣医学研究科 | Graduate School of Veterinary Science |
獣医学専攻 | Department of Veterinary Science |
動物構造機能学コース | Course of Structural and Functional Biosciences for Animals |
獣医環境科学コース | Course of Veterinary Environmental Sciences |
獣医臨床科学コース | Course of Veterinary Clinical Sciences |
医学研究科 | Graduate School of Medcine |
医科学専攻 | Department of Medical Science |
基礎医科学専攻 | Department of Basic Medical Science |
臨床医科学専攻 | Department of Clinical Medical Science |
リハビリテーション学研究科 | Graduate School of Rehabilitation Science |
理学療法学領域 | Department of Physical Therapy |
作業療法学領域 | Department of Occupational Therapy |
看護学研究科 | Graduate School of Nursing |
看護学専攻 | Department of Nursing |
生活科学研究科 | Graduate School of Human Life and Ecology |
食栄養学分野 | Department of Nutrition |
居住環境学分野 | Department of Living Environment Design |
総合福祉・臨床心理学分野 | Department of Social Welfare Science and Clinical Psychology |