
日本語表記(原文) | 英語表記(訳文) |
大阪府立大学 | Osaka Prefecture University |
現代システム科学域 | College of Sustainable System Sciences |
知識情報システム学類 | School of Knowledge and Information Systems |
環境システム学類 | School of Environmental System Sciences |
マネジメント学類 | School of Management |
工学域 | College of Engineering |
電気電子系学類 | School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
物質化学系学類 | School of Materials, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering |
機械系学類 | School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Marine-System Engineering |
生命環境科学域 | College of Life, Environment, and Advanced Sciences |
獣医学類 | School of Veterinary Science |
応用生命科学類 | School of Applied Life Sciences |
緑地環境科学類 | School of Environmental Sciences and Technology |
理学類 | School of Science |
地域保健学域 | College of Health and Human Sciences |
看護学類 | School of Nursing |
総合リハビリテーション学類 | School of Comprehensive Rehabilitation |
教育福祉学類 | School of Social Welfare and Education |
大学院 | ※専攻はDepartment |
工学研究科 | Graduate School of Engineering |
機械系専攻 | Mechanical Engineering |
航空宇宙海洋系専攻 | Aerospace and Marine-System Engineering |
電子・数物系専攻 | Electronics, Mathematics, and Physics |
電気・情報系専攻 | Electrical Engineering and Information Science |
物質・化学系専攻 | Materials Science and Engineering |
量子放射線系専攻 | Quantum and Radiation Engineering |
生命環境科学研究科 | Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences |
応用生命科学専攻 | Applied Life Sciences |
緑地環境科学専攻 | Environmental Sciences and Technology |
獣医学専攻 | Veterinary Sciences |
理学系研究科 | Graduate School of Science |
数理科学専攻 | Mathematics and Information Sciences |
物理科学専攻 | Physical Science |
分子科学専攻 | Chemistry |
生物科学専攻 | Biological Science |
経済学研究科 | Graduate School of Economics |
経済学専攻 理論・計量経済学分野および応用経済学分野 | Master in Economics |
経営学専攻 経営学分野および法学分野 | Master in Business Administration: Field of Management and of Law |
経営学専攻 観光・地域創造分野 | Master in Business Administration: Field of Science in Tourism Management |
経済学専攻 | Doctor in Economics |
人間社会システム科学研究科 | Graduate School of Humanities and Sustainable System Sciences |
現代システム科学専攻 | Sustainable System Sciences |
人間社会学専攻 | Humanities and Social Sciences |
看護学研究科 | Graduate School of Nursing |
総合リハビリテーション学研究科 | Graduate School of Comprehensive Rehabilitation |
臨床支援系領域 | Clinical Rehabilitation Course |
生活機能・社会参加支援系領域 | The Functioning, Disability, and Health Course |
栄養支援系領域 | The Nutrition Support Course |