日本語表記(原文) | 英語表記(訳文) |
芝浦工業大学 | Shibaura Institute of Technology |
工学部 | College of Engineering |
機械工学科 | Department of Mechanical Engineering |
機械機能工学科 | Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics |
材料工学科 | Department of Materials Science and Engineering |
応用化学科 | Department of Applied Chemistry |
電気工学科 | Department of Electrical Engineering |
電子工学科 | Department of Electronic Engineering |
情報通信工学科 | Department of Communications Engineering |
情報工学科 | Department of Information Science and Engineering |
土木工学科 | Department of Civil Engineering |
共通学群 | School of Arts and Sciences |
システム理工学部 | College of Systems Engineering and Science |
電子情報システム学科 | Department of Electronic Information Systems |
機械制御システム学科 | Department of Machinery and Control Systems |
環境システム学科 | Department of Planning, Architecture and Environmental Systems |
生命科学科 – 生命科学コース | Department of Bioscience and Engineering – Bioscience Course |
生命科学科 – 生命医工学コース | Department of Bioscience and Engineering – Biomedical Engineering Course |
数理科学科 | Department of Mathematical Sciences |
デザイン工学部 | College of Engineering and Design |
デザイン工学科 | Department of Engineering and Design |
建築学部 | School of Architecture |
建築学科 | Department of Architecture |
大学院 | |
理工学研究科 | Graduate School of Engineering and Science |
修士課程 | Master’s Program |
電気電子情報工学専攻 | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
材料工学専攻 | Materials Science and Engineering |
応用化学専攻 | Applied Chemistry |
機械工学専攻 | Mechanical Engineering |
建設工学専攻 | Architecture and Civil Engineering |
システム理工学専攻 | Systems Engineering and Science |
国際理工学専攻 | Global Course of Engineering and Science |
博士(後期)課程 | Doctor’s Program |
地域環境システム専攻 | Regional Environment Systems |
機能制御システム専攻 | Functional Control Systems |
専門職大学院 | |
工学マネジメント研究科 | Graduate School of Engineering Management (MOT) |
工学マネジメント専攻 | Engineering Management (MOT) |