日本語表記(原文) | 英語表記(訳文) |
島根大学 | Shimane University |
法文学部 | Faculty of Law and Literature |
法経学科 | Department of Law and Economics |
社会文化学科 | Department of Socio-Cultural Studies |
言語文化学科 | Department of Language and Culture |
教育学部 | Faculty of Education |
学校教育課程 | Course of School Teacher Training |
人間科学部 | Faculty of Human Sciences |
心理学コース | Psychology Course |
福祉社会コース | Social Welfare Course |
身体活動・健康科学コース | Health Science Course |
医学部 | Faculty of Medicine |
医学科 | School of Medicine |
看護学科 | School of Nursing |
総合理工学部 | Interdisciplinary Faculty of Science and Engineering |
物理・マテリアル工学科 | Department of Physics and Materials Science |
物質化学科 | Department of Chemistry |
地球科学科 | Department of Earth Science |
数理科学科 | Department of Mathematics |
知能情報デザイン学科 | Department of Information Systems Design and Data Science |
機械・電気電子工学科 | Department of Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
建築デザイン学科 | Department of Architectural Design |
生物資源科学部 | Faculty of Life and Environmental Science |
生命科学科 | Department of Life Sciences |
農林生産学科 | Department of Agricultural and Forest Sciences |
環境共生科学科 | Department of Environmental and Sustainability Sciences |
大学院 | |
人文社会科学研究科 | Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences |
法経専攻 | Department of Law and Economics |
言語・社会文化専攻 | Department of Language and Culture/Socio-cultural Studies |
教育学研究科 | Graduate School of Education |
教育実践開発専攻 | Program of Pedagogical Development |
臨床心理専攻 | Program of Clinical Psychology |
医学系研究科 | Graduate School of Medical Research |
医科学専攻 | Department of Medical Science |
看護学専攻 | Department of Nursing Science |
総合理工学研究科 | Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering |
総合理工学専攻 | Major in Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering |
自然科学研究科 | Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology |
理工学専攻 | Science and Engineering Major |
環境システム科学専攻 | Science of Environmental Systems Major |
農生命科学専攻 | Agricultural and Life Sciences Major |