日本語表記(原文) | 英語表記(訳文) |
信州大学 | Shinshu University |
全学教育機構 | School of General Education |
人文学部 | Faculty of Arts |
人文学科 | Department of Humanities |
教育学部 | Faculty of Education |
学校教育教員養成課程 | Training Courses for School Teachers |
経法学部 | Faculty of Economics and Law |
応用経済学科 | Department of Applied Economics |
総合法律学科 | Department of Law |
理学部 | Faculty of Science |
数学科 | Department of Mathematical Sciences |
理学科 | Department of Science |
医学部 | School of Medicine |
医学科 | School of Medicine |
保健学科 | School of Health Sciences |
工学部 | Faculty of Engineering |
物質化学科 | Department of Materials Chemistry |
電子情報システム工学科 | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering |
水環境・土木工学科 | Department of Water Environment and Civil Engineering |
機械システム工学科 | Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering |
建築学科 | Department of Architecture |
農学部 | Faculty of Agriculture |
農学生命科学科 | Department of Agricultural and Life Sciences |
繊維学部 | Faculty of Textile Science and Technology |
先進繊維・感性工学科 | Division of Textiles and Kansei Engineering |
機械・ロボット学科 | Division of Machinery and Robotics |
化学・材料学科 | Division of Chemistry and Materials |
応用生物科学科 | Division of Applied Biology |
大学院 | Graduate School |
人文科学研究科 | Division of Arts |
地域文化専攻 | Course of Regional Culture |
言語文化専攻 | Course of Language and Culture |
教育学研究科 | Graduate School of Education |
学校教育専攻 | Division of School Education |
高度教職実践専攻(教職大学院) | Division of Teacher Professional Development(Teacher Training School) |
経済・社会政策科学研究科 | Division of Industrial and Social Studies |
経済・社会政策科学専攻 | Industrial and Social Studies |
イノベーション・マネジメント専攻 | Institute of Innovation Management |
医学系研究科 | Graduate School of Medicine |
医科学専攻 | Human Sciences |
保健学専攻 | Health Sciences |
総合理工学研究科 | Graduate School of Science and Technology |
理学専攻 | Department of Science |
工学専攻 | Department of Engineering |
繊維学専攻 | Department of Textile Science and Technology |
農学専攻 | Department of Agriculture |
生命医工学専攻 | Department of Biomedical Engineering |
総合医理工学研究科 | Graduate School of Medicine, Science and Technology |
医学系専攻 | Department of Medical Sciences |
総合理工学専攻 | Department of Science and Technology |
生命医工学専攻 | Department of Biomedical Engineering |