日本語表記(原文) | 英語表記(訳文) |
帝京大学 | Teikyo University |
医学部 | School of Medicine |
医学科 | Department of Medicine |
薬学部 | Faculty of Pharma-Science |
薬学科 | Department of Pharma-Science |
経済学部 | Faculty of Economics |
経済学科 | Department of Economics |
国際経済学科 | Department of International Economy |
地域経済学科 | Department of Regional Economics |
経営学科 | Department of Business Administration |
観光経営学科 | Department of Tourism Management |
法学部 | Faculty of Law |
法律学科 | Department of Law |
政治学科 | Department of Political Science |
文学部 | Faculty of Liberal Arts |
日本文化学科 | Department of Japanese Cultures |
史学科 | Department of History |
社会学科 | Department of Sociology |
心理学科 | Department of Psychology |
外国語学部 | Faculty of Language Studies |
外国語学科 | Department of Language Studies |
教育学部 | Faculty of Education |
教育文化学科 | Department of Education and Culture |
初等教育学科 | Department of Elementary Education |
理工学部 | Faculty of Science and Engineering |
機械・精密システム工学科 | Department of Mechanical and Precision System |
航空宇宙工学科 | Department of Aerospace Engineering |
情報電子工学科 | Department of information and Electronic Engineering |
バイオサイエンス学科 | Department of Biosciences |
情報科学科通信教育課程 | Department of Information Science Correspondence Course |
医療技術学部 | Faculty of Medical Technology |
視能矯正学科 | Department of Orthoptics |
看護学科 | Department of Nursing |
診療放射線学科 | Department of Radiological Technology |
臨床検査学科 | Department of Clinical Laboratory Science |
スポーツ医療学科 | Department of Sport and Medical Science |
柔道整復学科 | Department of Judo Therapy |
福岡医療技術学部 | Faculty of Fukuoka Medical Technology |
理学療法学科 | Department of Physical Therapy |
作業療法学科 | Department of Occupational Therapy |
看護学科 | Department of Nursing |
診療放射線学科 | Department of Radiological Technology |
医療技術学科 | Department of Medical Technology |
助産学専攻科 | Graduate Course of Midwifery |
大学院 | |
医学研究科 | Graduate School of Medicine |
医学専攻 | Division of Medicine |
薬学研究科 | Graduate School of Pharma-Science |
薬学専攻 | Division of Pharma-Science |
経済学研究科 | Graduate School of Economics |
経済学専攻 | Division of Economics |
経営学専攻 | Division of Management |
地域経済政策学専攻 | Division of Regional Economics and Policy |
法学研究科 | Graduate School of Law |
法律学専攻 | Division of Law |
文学研究科 | Graduate School of Liberal Arts |
日本文化専攻 | Division of Japanese Cultures |
日本史・文化財学専攻 | Division of Japanese History and Cultural Properties |
臨床心理学専攻 | Division of Clinical Psychology |
心理学専攻 | Division of Psychology |
外国語研究科 | Graduate School of Languages and Cultures |
超域文化専攻 | Division of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies |
理工学研究科 | Graduate School of Science and Engineering |
総合理工学専攻 | Division of Integrated Science and Engineering |
<通信教育課程>情報科学専攻 | Division of Informatics Science <Correspondence Course> |
医療技術学研究科 | Graduate School of Medical Care and Technology |
視能矯正学専攻 | Division of Orthoptics |
看護学専攻 | Division of Nursing |
診療放射線学専攻 | Division of Clinical Radiology |
臨床検査学専攻 | Division of Clinical Laboratory Medicine |
救急救護学専攻 | Division of Emergency Care |
柔道整復学専攻 | Division of Judo Therapy |
保健学研究科 | Graduate School of Health Sciences |
診療放射線科学専攻 | Division of Radiological Sciences |
看護学専攻 | Division of Nursing |
教職研究科 | Graduate School of Teacher Education |
教職実践専攻 | Division of Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education |
公衆衛生学研究科 | Graduate School of Public Health |
公衆衛生学専攻 | Division of Public Health |
帝京大学短期大学 | Teikyo University Junior College |
人間文化学科 | Department of Human Cultures |
現代ビジネス学科 | Department of Contemporary Business |