日本語表記(原文) | 英語表記(訳文) |
東京大学 | The University of Tokyo |
法学部 | Faculty of Law |
第一類(法学総合コース) | Department I: General Legal Studies Course |
第二類(法律プロフェッション・コース) | Department II: Legal Profession Course |
第三類(政治コース) | Department III: Political Science Course |
医学部 | Faculty of Medicine |
医学科 | School of Medicine |
健康総合科学科 | School of Integrated Health Sciences |
工学部 | Faculty of Engineering |
社会基盤学科 | Department of Civil Engineering |
建築学科 | Department of Architecture |
都市工学科 | Department of Urban Engineering |
機械工学科 | Department of Mechanical Engineering |
機械情報工学科 | Department of Mechano-Informatics |
航空宇宙工学科 | Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
精密工学科 | Department of Precision Engineering |
電子情報工学科 | Department of Information and Communication Engineering |
電気電子工学科 | Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
物理工学科 | Department of Applied Physics |
計数工学科 | Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics |
マテリアル工学科 | Department of Materials Engineering |
応用化学科 | Department of Applied Chemistry |
化学システム工学科 | Department of Chemical System Engineering |
化学生命工学科 | Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology |
システム創成学科 | Department of Systems Innovation |
文学部 | Faculty of Letters |
理学部 | Faculty of Science |
数学科 | Department of Mathematics |
情報科学科 | Department of Information Science |
物理学科 | Department of Physics |
天文学科 | Department of Astronomy |
地球惑星物理学科 | Department of Earth and Planetary Physics |
地球惑星環境学科 | Department of Earth and Planetary Environmental Science |
化学科 | Department of Chemistry |
生物化学科 | Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry |
生物学科 | Department of Biological Sciences |
生物情報科学科 | Department of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology |
農学部 | Faculty of Agriculture |
応用生命科学課程 | Applied Life Sciences Course |
環境資源科学課程 | Environmental and Resource Sciences Course |
獣医学課程 | Veterinary Medical Sciences Course |
経済学部 | Faculty of Economics |
経済学科 | Department of Economics |
経営学科 | Department of Management |
金融学科 | Department of Finance |
教養学部 | College of Arts and Sciences |
教養学科 | Department of Humanities and Social Sciences |
学際科学科 | Department of Interdisciplinary Sciences |
統合自然科学科 | Department of Integrated Sciences |
教育学部 | Faculty of Education |
総合教育科学科 | Department of Integrated Educational Sciences |
薬学部 | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
薬科学科 | Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
薬学科 | Department of Pharmacy |
大学院 | |
法学政治学研究科 | Graduate Schools for Law and Politics |
総合法政 | School of Legal and Political Studies |
法曹養成 | School of Law |
医学系研究科 | Graduate School of Medicine |
分子細胞生物学 | Department of Molecular Cell Biology |
機能生物学 | Department of Functional Biology |
病因・病理学 | Department of Pathology, Immunology and Microbiology |
生体物理医学 | Department of Radiology and Biomedical Engineering |
脳神経医学 | Department of Neurosciences |
社会医学 | Department of Social Medicine |
内科学 | Department of Internal Medicine |
生殖・発達・加齢医学 | Department of Reproductive, Developmental and Aging Sciences |
外科学 | Department of Surgical Sciences |
健康科学・看護学 | Department of Health Science and Nursing |
国際保健学 | Department of International Health |
医科学 | Department of Medical Science |
公共健康医学 | Department of Public Health (Professional degree program) |
工学系研究科 | Graduate School of Engineering |
社会基盤学 | Department of Civil Engineering |
建築学 | Department of Architecture |
都市工学 | Department of Urban Engineering |
機械工学 | Department of Mechanical Engineering |
精密工学 | Department of Precision Engineering |
システム創成学 | Department of Systems Innovation |
航空宇宙工学 | Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
電気系工学 | Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems |
物理工学 | Department of Applied Physics |
マテリアル工学 | Department of Materials Engineering |
応用化学 | Department of Applied Chemistry |
化学システム工学 | Department of Chemical System Engineering |
化学生命工学 | Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology |
先端学際工学 | Department of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies |
原子力国際 | Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management |
バイオエンジニアリング | Department of Bioengineering |
技術経営戦略学 | Department of Technology Management for Innovation |
原子力 | Nuclear Professional School |
人文社会系研究科 | Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology |
基礎文化研究 | Division of General Culture |
日本文化研究 | Division of Japanese Studies |
アジア文化研究 | Division of Asian Studies |
欧米系文化研究 | Division of European and American Studies |
社会文化研究 | Division of Socio-cultural Studies |
文化資源学研究 | Division of Cultural Resources Studies |
韓国朝鮮文化研究 | Division of Korean Studies |
理学系研究科 | Graduate School of Science |
物理学 | Department of Physics |
天文学 | Department of Astronomy |
地球惑星科学 | Department of Earth and Planetary Science |
化学 | Department of Chemistry |
生物科学 | Department of Biological Sciences |
農学生命科学研究科 | Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences |
生産・環境生物学 | Department of Agricultural and Environmental Biology |
応用生命化学 | Department of Applied Biological Chemistry |
応用生命工学 | Department of Biotechnology |
森林科学 | Department of Forest Science |
水圏生物科学 | Department of Aquatic Bioscience |
農業・資源経済学 | Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics |
生物・環境工学 | Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering |
生物材料科学 | Department of Biomaterial Sciences |
農学国際 | Department of Global Agricultural Sciences |
生圏システム学 | Department of Ecosystem Studies |
応用動物科学 | Department of Animal Resource Sciences |
獣医学 | Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences |
経済学研究科 | Graduate School of Economics |
経済 | Division of Economics |
マネジメント | Division of Management |
総合文化研究科 | Graduate School of Arts and Sciences |
言語情報科学 | Department of Language and Information Sciences |
超域文化科学 | Department of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies |
地域文化研究 | Department of Area Studies |
国際社会科学 | Department of Advanced Social and International Studies |
広域科学 | Department of Multidisciplinary Sciences |
教育学研究科 | Graduate School of Education |
総合教育科学 | Department of Integrated Educational Sciences |
学校教育高度化 | Department of Advanced Research in School Education |
薬学系研究科 | Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
薬科学 | Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
薬学 | Department of Pharmacy |
数理科学研究科 | Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences |
数理科学 | Department of Mathematical Sciences |
新領域創成科学研究科 | Graduate School of Frontier Sciences |
物質系 | Department of Advanced Materials Science |
先端エネルギー工学 | Department of Advanced Energy |
複雑理工学 | Department of Complexity Science and Engineering |
先端生命科学 | Department of Integrated Biosciences |
メディカル情報生命 | Department of Computational Biology and Medical Sciences |
自然環境学 | Department of Natural Environmental Studies |
海洋技術環境学 | Department of Ocean Technology, Policy, and Environment |
環境システム学 | Department of Environment Systems |
人間環境学 | Department of Human and Engineered Environmental Studies |
社会文化環境学 | Department of Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies |
国際協力学 | Department of International Studies |
情報理工学系研究科 | Graduate School of Information Science and Technology |
コンピュータ科学 | Department of Computer Science |
数理情報学 | Department of Mathematical Informatics |
システム情報学 | Department of Information Physics and Computing |
電子情報学 | Department of Information and Communication Engineering |
知能機械情報学 | Department of Mechano-Informatics |
創造情報学 | Department of Creative Informatics |
学際情報学府 | Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies |
学際情報学 | Department of Interdisciplinary Information Studies |
公共政策学教育部 | Graduate School of Public Policy |
公共政策学 | Professional Degree Programs (Public Policy) |
国際公共政策学 | Doctoral Program (International Public Policy) |