
日本語表記(原文) | 英語表記(訳文) |
東京都立大学 | Tokyo Metropolitan University |
人文社会学部 | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
人間社会学科 | Department of Human and Social Sciences |
人文学科 | Department of Humanities |
法学部 | Faculty of Law |
法学科 | Department of Law |
経済経営学部 | Faculty of Economics and Business Administration |
経済経営学科 | Department of Economics and Business Administration |
理学部 | Faculty of Science |
数理科学科 | Department of Mathematical Sciences |
物理学科 | Department of Physics |
化学科 | Department of Chemistry |
生命科学科 | Department of Biological Sciences |
都市環境学部 | Faculty of Urban Environmental Sciences |
地理環境学科 | Department of Geography |
都市基盤環境学科 | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering |
建築学科 | Department of Architecture |
環境応用化学科 | Department of Applied Chemistry for Environment |
観光科学科 | Department of Tourism Science |
都市政策科学科 | Department of Urban Science and Policy |
システムデザイン学部 | Faculty of Systems Design |
情報科学科 | Department of Computer Science |
電子情報システム工学科 | Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
機械システム工学科 | Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering |
航空宇宙システム工学科 | Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
インダストリアルアート学科 | Department of Industrial Art |
健康福祉学部 | Faculty of Health Sciences |
看護学科 | Department of Nursing Sciences |
理学療法学科 | Department of Physical Therapy |
作業療法学科 | Department of Occupational Therapy |
放射線学科 | Department of Radiological Sciences |
大学院 | |
人文科学研究科 | Graduate School of Humanities |
社会行動学専攻 | Department of Behavioral Social Sciences |
人間科学専攻 | Department of Human Sciences |
文化基礎論専攻 | Department of Philosophy, History and Cultural Studies |
文化関係論専攻 | Department of Intercultural Studies |
法学政治学研究科 | Graduate School of Law and Politics |
法学政治学専攻 | Department of Law and Politics |
法曹養成専攻(法科大学院) | Law School |
経営学研究科 | Graduate School of Management |
経営学専攻 | Department of Management |
理学研究科 | Graduate School of Science |
数理科学専攻 | Department of Mathematical Sciences |
物理学専攻 | Department of Physics |
化学専攻 | Department of Chemistry |
生命科学専攻 | Department of Biological Sciences |
都市環境科学研究科 | Graduate School of Urban Environmental Sciences |
地理環境学域 | Department of Geography |
都市基盤環境学域 | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering |
建築学域 | Department of Architecture and Building Engineering |
環境応用化学域 | Department of Applied Chemistry for Environment |
観光科学域 | Department of Tourism Science |
都市政策科学域 | Department of Urban Science and Policy |
システムデザイン研究科 | Graduate School of Systems Design |
情報科学域 | Department of Computer Science |
電子情報システム工学域 | Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
機械システム工学域 | Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering |
航空宇宙システム工学域 | Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
インダストリアルアート学域 | Department of Industrial Art |
人間健康科学研究科 | Graduate School of Human Health Sciences |
看護科学域 | Department of Nursing Sciences |
理学療法科学域 | Department of Physical Therapy |
作業療法科学域 | Department of Occupational Therapy |
放射線科学域 | Department of Radiological Sciences |
フロンティアヘルスサイエンス学域 | Department of Frontier Health Sciences |
ヘルスプロモーションサイエンス学域 | Department of Health Promotion Sciences |