日本語表記(原文) | 英語表記(訳文) |
東京理科大学 | Tokyo University of Science |
理学部第一部 | Faculty of Science Division I |
数学科 | Department of Mathematics |
物理学科 | Department of Physics |
化学科 | Department of Chemistry |
応用数学科 | Department of Applied Mathematics |
応用物理学科 | Department of Applied Physics |
応用化学科 | Department of Applied Chemistry |
工学部 | Faculty of Engineering |
建築学科 | Department of Architecture |
工業化学科 | Department of Industrial Chemistry |
電気工学科 | Department of Electrical Engineering |
情報工学科 | Department of Information and Computer Technology |
機械工学科 | Department of Mechanical Engineering |
薬学部 | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
薬学科 | Department of Pharmacy |
生命創薬科学科 | Department of Medicinal and Life Sciences |
理工学部 | Faculty of Science and Technology |
数学科 | Department of Mathematics |
物理学科 | Department of Physics |
情報科学科 | Department of Information Sciences |
応用生物科学科 | Department of Applied Biological Science |
建築学科 | Department of Architecture |
先端化学科 | Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry |
電気電子情報工学科 | Department of Electrical Engineering |
経営工学科 | Department of Industrial Administration |
機械工学科 | Department of Mechanical Engineering |
土木工学科 | Department of Civil Engineering |
基礎工学部 | Faculty of Industrial Science and Technology |
電子応用工学科 | Department of Applied Electronics |
材料工学科 | Department of Materials Science and Technology |
生物工学科 | Department of Biological Science and Technology |
経営学部 | School of Management |
経営学科 | Department of Management |
ビジネスエコノミクス学科 | Department of Business Economics |
理学部第二部 | Faculty of Science Division II |
数学科 | Department of Mathematics |
物理学科 | Department of Physics |
化学科 | Department of Chemistry |
大学院 | |
理学研究科 | Graduate School of Science |
数学専攻 | Department of Mathematics |
物理学専攻 | Department of Physics |
化学専攻 | Department of Chemistry |
応用数学専攻 | Department of Applied Mathematics |
応用物理学専攻 | Department of Applied Physics |
科学教育専攻 | Department of Mathematics and Science Education |
工学研究科 | Graduate School of Engineering |
建築学専攻 | Department of Architecture |
工業化学専攻 | Department of Industrial Chemistry |
電気工学専攻 | Department of Electrical Engineering |
情報工学専攻 | Department of Information and Computer Technology |
機械工学専攻 | Department of Mechanical Engineering |
経営工学専攻 | Department of Management Science |
薬学研究科 | Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
薬科学専攻 | Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
薬学専攻 | Department of Pharmacoscience |
理工学研究科 | Graduate School of Science and Technology |
数学専攻 | Department of Mathematics |
物理学専攻 | Department of Physics |
情報科学専攻 | Department of Information Sciences |
応用生物科学専攻 | Department of Applied Biological Science |
建築学専攻 | Department of Architecture |
先端化学専攻 | Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry |
電気工学専攻 | Department of Electrical Engineering |
経営工学専攻 | Department of Industrial Administration |
機械工学専攻 | Department of Mechanical Engineering |
土木工学専攻 | Department of Civil Engineering |
国際火災科学専攻 | Department of Global Fire Science and Technology |
基礎工学研究科 | Graduate School of Industrial Science and Technology |
電子応用工学専攻 | Department of Applied Electronics |
材料工学専攻 | Department of Materials Science and Technology |
生物工学専攻 | Department of Biological Science and Technology |
経営学研究科 | Graduate School of Management |
経営学専攻 | Department of Management |
技術経営専攻(MOT) | Department of Management of Technology (MOT) |
生命科学研究科 | Graduate School of Biological Sciences |
生命科学専攻 | Department of Biological Sciences |
イノベーション研究科 | Graduate School of Innovation Studies |
知的財産戦略専攻 | Department of Master of Intellectual Property |