
日本語表記(原文) | 英語表記(訳文) |
鶴見大学 | Tsurumi University |
歯学部 | School of Dental Medicine |
文学部 | School of Literature |
日本文学科 | Department of Japanese Literature |
英語英米文学科 | Department of English and American Language and Literature |
文化財学科 | Department of Cultural Properties |
ドキュメンテーション学科 | Department of Library, Archival and Information Studies |
大学院 | |
歯学研究科 | Graduate School of Dental Medicine |
歯学専攻 | Doctor of Philosophy in Dental Science |
文学研究科 | Graduate School of Literature |
日本文学専攻 | Japanese Literature |
英米文学専攻 | English and American Literature |
文化財学専攻 | Cultural Properties |
ドキュメンテーション専攻 | Library, Archival and Information Studies |
鶴見大学短期大学部 | Tsurumi Junior College |
保育科 | Department of Early Childhood Care and Education |
歯科衛生科 | Department of Dental Hygiene |
専攻科 | Postgraduate Studies |
保育専攻 | Advanced Course in Early Childhood Care and Education |
福祉専攻 | Advanced Course in Social Welfare |